Thursday, December 14, 2006


It is 6 months or so down the track and I've finally got around to writing something again. I finished F.E.A.R just the other day. The levels were uninspiring and it didn't have enough horror or scary bits but the enemy A.I. was entertaining to play against. Good game really.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Patch mongrels

Well, after downloading an 80mB patch I find out that the American version of the patch won't work with my version of the game. Nice. Thanks for that one. Oh well, it turns out that I was 30 secs away from finishing Chaos Theory so I got to finish it after all. That's much better.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


I'm sure I've no idea how this works...

Damn Game

I am on holidays so I've decided to finish some of my unfinished games. I completed the new Tomb Raider the other day and enjoyed it very much. Tonight I was nearly finished Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory when the damn game crashed four times. I couldn't believe it. An 80mB patch download later and here I am. *sigh*

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Something new...

Well here we go. Something new to play with so that the family can see what where up to.